The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts hosted the Eggleston family for their "Community Conversation: The Eggleston Family and the Green Book," which featured Neverett Eggleston Junior, Neverette Eggleston III and discussion moderated by Melody Short and Dr. Michael Hall.

Throughout history Jackson Ward has been the epicenter of Black Excellence in Virginia. In the heart of this gem stood one of the strongest pillars of the community, The Eggleston Hotel.
The Eggleston Hotel represented the intersection of Black Business, some of the best soul food in the Commonwealth, and hosted some of the best entertainers in Richmond. It's 2nd and Leigh Street location was also a safe haven and sought after lodging space for African American travelers. As featured in Victor Green's, "The Negro Motorist Green-Book," the Eggleston Hotel was a safe haven for African American's to find a good meal and/or stay the night and rest, when it wasn't safe Black people to travel freely during the "Jim Crow" era.

The Eggleston's shared their testimonies of commitment, hard-work, dedication, and sacrifice that has spanned three generations, to provide top-notch hospitality service to customers who sought them out while driving from point "A" to point "B" safely during the time of segregation.
In the time to follow the Civil Rights Movement, when Richmond became desegregated, the Eggleston lost many customers and eventually closed in the 1980's.
Although The Eggleston Hotel no longer stands in Jackson Ward, it's legacy holds firm footing in the community, from the affordable housing project that now stands in its place - Eggleston Plaza, to the family's inspiring story of Black Entrepreneurship, to "Sugar's Crab Shack," founded by Neverett "Sugarfoot" Eggleston III.
